Caste System in India

Concept Explanation

Caste System in India

Caste System In India: In most regions, people were divided along lines of caste. Brahmans and Kshatriyas considered themselves as “upper castes”. other, such as traders and moneylenders (often referred to as vaishyas) were placed after them. Then came peasants, and artisans such as weavers and potters (referred to as shudras) At the lowest rung were those who labored to keep cities and villages clean or worked a job that upper castes considered “polluting”, that is, it could lead to the loss of caste status. The upper castes also treated many of these groups at the bottom as “untouchable”. They were not allowed to enter temples, draw water from the wells used by the upper castes, or bathe in ponds where upper castes bathed. They were seen as inferior human being. Women across the world have been exploited and oppressed for centuries. This way particularly true of 17th and 18th century india. In the 19th century , Indians exposed to western ideas and thought understood that no society could progress until the women of that society progressed. An educated women, especially an educated mother, had a powerful influence on society. Women formed half the population of any country.


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